
Zarigueya Press cannot consider unsolicited manuscripts at this time. All publications are proposed by members of the Zarigueya collective, and accepted by consensus.

 Zarigueya Press derives revenue solely from book sales and donations. Our books are available for purchase through Amazon, Woodland Pattern Book Center, or directly from Zarigueya Press, although other independent booksellers may carry them as well. Our early books were printed in limited-edition runs (still available for purchase). Beginning in 2015, we shifted to a print-on-demand business model that enables us to donate proceeds of sales to causes that Zarigueya authors support. For example, sales of The Beautiful Unnamed support Jazale’s Art Studio, and sales of The Memory Box support Sojourner Family Peace Center.

All Zarigueya Press books bear a Zarigueya ISBN number; they are listed in Books in Print, featured on the Zarigueya Press website, and publicized by direct email to an extensive list with author input. Our books are included in our online catalog (and, by extension, its links), listed on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other websites, and exhibited in any book fairs we attend.

Zarigueya Press books currently retail for $7 - $18, depending upon length and printing processes, and are available to bookstores direct at standard discounts.